Friday, September 4, 2009


I know a friend who stopped reading newspapers. She does not even watch news channels. She says media creates sensations and most of the stories appear there are fabricated with an intention to escalate TRP. Competition among news channels and tragedies of humans, sting operations.. Their activities contain ingredients of a James Bond Movie or a Bollywood Super Hit. Certainly media helps a few. But in a wild world of competition they do it as a gimmick to grab more publicity. Today it is an able chief minister's death they prefer to mourn and the very next day they bring a corrupt chief minister as a guest editor in front page. Honest missions or honest sensations; look at the contradiction..... That is media, indeed.

Recently, there was this news about a fashion designer's arrest and his imprisonment in the US. Rape is a crime and if he is guilty he should be punished. But going with the media coverage this fashion designer received verbal abuses and life sentence where as a white commits a rape in India, Indian system prefers to treat him like an elite and even in one English bulletin showed pictures of one white short fat man over a drink attempted an attack on one Indian in a star hotel . She, an Indian entrepreneur, bold enough to file a case against him. But what punishment he got you know you get a western toilet and special butter toast for break fast even in police station. If you are white and if you have elite class as friends you get even preferential treatment. Even you can liberally threaten the victim through dire consequences if you have got media connections. And a woman who claims to be elite, ran away overnight from her husband and children can come out in support for you and openly preach through sub standard weeklies about values of Indian Women and culture of India. World is a place with such groups, prefer to say groups not India as a whole.

What more....? Jesus would have smiled even in his cross of sufferings when a rapist tried to equate himself to Jesus. Jesus for sure forgives sinners but not the people who knowingly keep doing the same crime again and again. And the choice is upto you to remain as a criminal of schemes and stings or to remain as a human being in this world.

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